Principal Investigator
![]() | István Katona Principal Investigator Tel: +36-1-210-9400 ext:375 E-mail: katona [at] |
Senior Research Fellow
![]() | Zsolt Lele Senior Research Fellow Tel: +36-1-210-9400 ext:268 E-mail: lele.zsolt [at] |
![]() | Eszter Horváth Postdoctoral fellow Tel: +36-1-210-9400 ext:267 E-mail: horvath.eszter [at] |
![]() | Susanne Prokop Postdoctoral fellow Tel: +36-1-210-9400 ext:267 E-mail: prokop.susanne [at] |
PhD Students
![]() | Márton Vámosi PhD Student Tel: +36-1-210-9400 ext:267 E-mail: vamosi.marton[at] |
Undergraduate students
![]() | Erika Tischler Lab Technician Tel: +36-1-210-9400 ext:377 E-mail: tischler.erika [at] |
![]() | Balázs Pintér Lab Manager Tel: +36-1-210-9400 ext:377 E-mail: pinter.balazs [at] |
“Honorary Lab Members”
Given our close collaboration with the KOKI Microscopy Center, László Barna and Pál Vági have to be mentioned here as “honorary lab members”. Not only is their scientific contribution invaluable in our projects, but they also take active part in the social life of the MNB lab.
![]() | László Barna Tel: +36-1-210-9400 ext:388 E-mail: barna.laszlo [at] |
![]() | Pál Vági Tel: +36-1-210-9400 ext:388 E-mail: vagi.pal [at] |
Alumni – Postdoctoral researchers
Máté Kisfali (2018-2021) continued as Clinical Research manager at BiTrial, Budapest, Hungary |
Kata Kenesei (2014-2020) continued as a computer engineer at Kyoto University, Japan |
Ana Bernal Chico (2015-2019) continued as postdoctoral researcher at University of the Basque Country Campus of Biscay |
Zsolt Balogi (2015-2017) became a senior research fellow at the University of Pécs, Hungary |
Stephen Woodhams (2012-2016) continued as a postdoc at the University of Nottingham, UK |
Marco Ledri (2013-2015) continued as independent group leader at Lund University, Sweden |
Chris Henstridge, supported by Long-Term EMBO Fellowship, (2010-2014) continued as postdoc at University of Edinburgh, UK |
Ashley Dorning (2013-2014) continued as staff scientist at MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, Edinburgh, UK |
Szilárd Szabó (2011-2013) continued as postdoc at University of Freiburg, Germany |
Alumni – PhD students
Miklós Zöldi (2016-expected to finish in 2023) continued at the Indiana University Bloomington |
Benjamin Barti (2015-expected to finish in 2023) continued at the Indiana University Bloomington |
Vivien Miczán (2015-defended her thesis in 2021, summa cum laude); continued as a postdoctoral researcher at Biological Research Centre, Szeged |
Zsófia László (2013-defended her thesis in 2020, summa cum laude; thesis supervisor: Dr. Zsolt Lele); continued as a postdoctoral researcher at Dundee University, UK; received Junior Prima Prize of the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) |
Gyula Balla (2010- expected to finish in 2021) continued in the lab of Translational Behavioural Neuroscience of the Institute of Experimental Medicine |
László Barna (2014- defended his thesis in 2018, summa cum laude); continued as the Head of the Nikon Center of Excellence for Neuronal Imaging Microscopy Core Facility at IEM, Budapest; received Dennis Gabor Award of the Novofer Foundation |
Barna Dudok (2009- defended his thesis in 2017, summa cum laude); continued as a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, received K99 “Pathway to Independence” Award of the National Institutes of Health |
Rita Nyilas (2006- defended her thesis in 2010, summa cum laude); after maternity leave, she continued as a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University, New York, USA; received Young Researcher Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Anikó Ludányi (2007- defended her thesis in 2011, summa cum laude); continued as a postdoctoral researcher at University College London, UK; received Junior Prima Prize of the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) |
Alumni – Junior Research Fellows
Eszter Szabadits (2011-2014) left for maternity leave |
Gabriella M. Urbán (2004-2009) left for maternity leave |
Alumni – Undergraduate students
Fruzsina Mógor (2015-2019) |
Judit Glavinics (2015-2019) |
Emese Kovács (2013-2015) |
Norbert Fehér (2013-2014) |
Emese Baráth (2012-2013) |
Eszter Székely (2011-2012) |
Eszter Balázs (2009-2012) |
Kinga Bercsényi (2009-2010) |
Visiting researchers
Krisztina Kelemen University of Medicine and Pharmacology, Tirgu Mures; Romania |
Antonio di Fusco Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed, Pozzilli, Italy |
Esther Baliko Medical University of Vienna, Austria |
Vanessa Anna Stempel Charite University, Berlin, Germany |
István Mihály University of Medicine and Pharmacology, Tirgu Mures; Romania |
Carolin von Schoultz University of Zürich, Switzerland |
Daniel Ganszky University of Dundee, UK |
Ana Bernal University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Spain |
Ashley Dorning University of Dundee, UK |
Pascal Gratz University of Zurich, Switzerland |
Michelle Stewart Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA |
Chris Henstridge University of Dundee, UK |
Amy Pohodich University of Texas, Austin, USA |